5 Star Pressure Wash | House, Roof & Driveway Cleaning in Portland
We provide top-rated pressure washing services. From house exteriors to driveways and patios, we remove dirt, mold, and grime, restoring surfaces to perfection.
At 5 Star Pressure Wash, we take pride in delivering high-quality residential power washing services. Our team is dedicated to restoring the beauty of your property by removing dirt, mold, and grime from houses, driveways, and roofs.
Give your property the care it deserves with 5 Star Pressure Wash. From houses and driveways to roofs and patios. Contact us today for a free quote and experience the difference of a spotless, refreshed exterior!
We specialize in delivering professional, high-quality, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions for residential properties. Our expert team uses advanced pressure washing techniques to remove dirt, mold, grime, and stains, restoring the beauty of your home.
We specialize in delivering professional, high-quality, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions for homes of all sizes. Our expert team uses advanced pressure washing techniques to remove dirt, mold, grime, and stains, ensuring your property looks fresh and well-maintained.
Restore the beauty of your home with our high-quality exterior pressure washing. We remove dirt, mold, and mildew from walls, siding, and facades, leaving every surface spotless and refreshed.
Protect your roof from damage with our soft washing techniques, designed to eliminate moss, algae, and grime. Our process is safe for shingles and roofing materials, keeping your roof clean, durable, and long-lasting.
Oil stains, dirt, and tire marks can make driveways, sidewalks, and parking lots look neglected. Our powerful pressure washing restores concrete, brick, and stone surfaces, enhancing curb appeal and safety for homes.
Bring new life to your deck, patio, or outdoor spaces with deep cleaning that removes dirt, mold, and algae. Our expert services help protect and extend the life of your wood, stone, or composite surfaces.
Clogged gutters can lead to serious water damage. We offer thorough gutter cleaning to remove leaves, debris, and buildup, ensuring proper water drainage and maintaining your property’s appearance.
"Amazing results!
5 Star Pressure Wash completely transformed my home’s exterior. The team was professional, arrived on time, and paid close attention to detail. My house looks brand new! I was especially impressed with how they removed years of dirt and mold from my siding and driveway. Their service is worth every penny. Highly recommended!
"Highly professional!"
From start to finish, 5 Star Pressure Wash provided top-notch service. They cleaned my patio and roof with care, and the results were incredible. Their eco-friendly approach and expertise really stood out. I appreciate their dedication to customer satisfaction. Fantastic experience!
"Best pressure washing company!"
I needed my driveway and gutters cleaned, and 5 Star Pressure Wash did an amazing job. They removed tough stains and debris, making everything look pristine. The team was courteous, knowledgeable, and efficient. I’ll be calling them again for future services—highly recommended!
We provide a seamless, hassle-free experience to keep your home looking its best. Here’s how we work:
Call us or request a free quote online for your home.
We assess your property and provide a clear, no-obligation estimate.
Our team arrives on time, using advanced pressure washing techniques.
We review the results with you to ensure everything looks perfect.